From strategy to adoption.


"Defining the right CPXM strategy"


"Implementing CPXM right"


"Running CPXM efficiently"

The scope of our services includes Customer and Patient Experience Management (CPXM) along the entire end-to-end supply chain from pre-clinical to commercial. We work relentlessly towards a world in which patients and healthcare providers both enjoy their full potential in a mutual win-win relationship. We search for the most optimal win-wins taking into account the benefits within the healthcare landscape. We believe this can only be obtained by taking a view from outside-in and by entangling CX and PX across the entire value chain. 

Solutions need to be tailored per therapeutic area, product, country, and leverage your current maturity. Based on your business needs, we offer services ensuring the right balance between the 7 core elements of our approach. Technology is a fraction of setting out and implementing a successful strategy. From your customer's and patient's point of view, we bring pragmatism into the theory, and make things happen, step by step across these dimensions.

We help our clients from strategy to adoption. Drill down in our detailed services in each tab below to seek where you might need some help.


Defining the right CPXM strategy

Developing a deep conviction across the organisation to serve the true needs of your customers and patients; becoming more customer and patient-centric requires an in-depth well planned strategic roadmap.


What is your CPXM strategy today? Where do you stand? Have you prioritize your most important journey challenges per customer and patient segment? ​Have you aligned all leaders on the CPXM metrics? Are your brand, company, innovation and CPXM strategy, all well aligned? What is your roadmap to success?


Which technologies to implement, and which vendors are leading? Have you implemented the right processes and procedures to streamline and optimise your CXM efforts at global level? ​What are the industry best practices to leverage from? Are you using the available latest technologies across all new domains? Did you integrate all systems or do you have silo’s of data? ​Given your current status, where do you start on improving customer experiences?


We offer 12 strategic services that are set up in line with our approach. Tailored for your specific brands, therapeutic area, development phase, market and boundaries of the business.​

Explore our Strategy Services

S01. CPXM Business strategy roadmap

Defining your core CX and PX business strategy at global and local level across your product portfolio (TA) along with the roadmap to execute it over the next upcoming years. A CPXM strategy includes your vision, values and directions in close alignment with your brand and organisational business strategy. What is your long term CPXM business strategy in terms of scope, processes, organisation, foundation concepts, requirements, budgets, priorities, and timing? How do you plan to achieve this strategy and what is a realistic but challenging roadmap to achieve this within the timeframe settings. Many companies have translated CPXM into the implementations of technology and digital solutions, however these are only components of the wider range of CPXM solutions.

S02. CPXM Digital strategy roadmap

Along with processes and people, technology is one of the key enablers to ensure a successful CPXM business strategy. Many options are out, starting from marketing automation and campaign management, HCP engagement platforms, patient review platforms, omni-channel management, customer service automation, IVRS, CPQ, video training. The list of CPXM components, small and large, is becoming endless and each solution does have its value and cost. Where to start? What solution to use? A solid and well-defined digital architecture and implementation roadmap are key to your success. Technology vendors and providers need to be selected, implementation budgets and teams defined. Prioritisation and scoping ensures your team is focussing on the right elements in line with the business roadmap. The unbiased view of an independent provider is what you need to get started in the right direction.

S03. CPXM Maturity assessment

Understanding your current CPXM status across your product portfolio at global level is required before developing your plan of action. Using tailored maturity assessment checklists, the organisation can get a handle of the current status in terms of processes, technology and people. Developed strategies versus full operational support activities need to be taken into account. Results can be organised using our approach dimensions.

S04. Priority setting, value and funding

Once you know the business and technology direction, along with the current maturity state, the right priorities are to be defined. When business directions, digital strategies and architectures are designed, companies often still struggle in deciding where to start first.

Investments need to be linked to benefits and the potential of each component in the architecture. A solid business case helps with communicating and convincing management in releasing the budgets that are required. It also helps in defining the right KPIs to measure and ensure investments deliver what is being promised.

S05. Technology and vendor selection

At a global level, the landscape can be quite overwhelming. So many players are out there with so many different options. They all claim to have the best solution available. What are the leaders, what are the experiences and best practices, and more importantly, what are the best options for you given the current available systems already implemented? Every situation, in every of your sites or brands might be different.

S06. CPXM Metrics definition

A long term win-win requires an objective way to make visible how CPXM is delivering its promises. What are the best metrics for your specific business needs given the current maturity assessment? Finding a win-win relationship for your business in concert with improved customer and patient experiences is what will keep you going forward.

S07. Brand architecture strategy

Customer and Patient Experience is closely linked to your product and portfolio branding. The brand architecture need to be well understood, and decisions need to be taken to implement CPXM at specific levels of your brand architecture. Some directions might be valid within a therapeutic are, at company, division, country or department level, while others might be product specific only. As a consequence, brand architectures might require adaptation to the new CPXM concepts. Only tailored approaches lead to success.

S08. Innovation strategy roadmap

The power of innovation is one of the most critical enabler for improved CPXM. The specific nature, capabilities and functions of your products and services are the fundamental source for creating excellent customer or patient experiences. With the enormous potential of new innovations in many areas and locations, at an incredible speed, companies must have a solid innovation strategy roadmap. The models for introducing and leveraging innovations are endless. The right collaboration method need to be defined and tailored to your business and product life cycle status. Without leveraging innovation, CPXM strategies miss the opportunity to disrupt current practices.

S09. Innovation strategy assessment

Where are you today in terms of innovation management? How critical is it for your particular business or brand? What is going on in the industry, at your partners, what are customers and patients searching for? How mature is your own organisation for ensuring the right innovations are brought in at the right time and place. Which new science technologies are rising and should you plan a major role in them? Do you have a team on board and is the innovation strategy across your organisation solid, strong and flexible?

S10. Organizational CPXM centricity

Without doubt, CPXM is a people oriented and organisational driven science. No CPXM without people that need to design, execute and run it. A CPXM culture is not simply created with some trainings, nor something that is done in a couple of weeks. To get management aligned will require significant efforts and years of work. Where is your company today in terms of customer- and patient-centricity and what are the steps to take to achieve a solid base for implementing and running the latest directions.

S11. Employee experience assessment

How critical are your employees in executing CPXM? Do they enjoy the way the organisation is supporting them? What is the impact of good employee experience management on your customers and patients? How do we ensure customer and patient engagement is done with the right level of passion? Which experiences are more and less critical to your product and service success? Numerous examples exists where companies attempt to implement CPXM, and ignore the power of employee experiences. Employee experiences are to be designed before, during and after employee engagement. After employment, experience management remains an important element to secure customer success. The occasions in which this is handled well are still minimal.

S12. Benchmarking best practices

Comparing your current status and future direction with partners in the industry, competitors for the same patients, and companies outside the industry. Understanding how more advanced industries or industry leaders (e.g. automotive) approach CPXM, proof to be excellent innovation triggers. Ideas to leverage for starting in specific areas.

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Implementing CPXM right

Executing upon your strategy and getting it done right. Improvement projects are to be delivered. Ideation and design thinking are important steps, but turning designs around via full implementations does require an intensive focus and discipline from start to finish. We help you in turning your strategy and vision into something real.

Have you completed the right VoCs and VoPs? Are journey maps for each of your personas fully proof? Is the organisation aligned? Are your customers' moments of truth taking into account the latest technology innovations? Are you succeeding in patient engagements? Do patients recognize the value? Are the right budgets and teams available to deliver on time? Have you implemented the right processes and procedures to streamline and optimise your new CPXM efforts at global level? After all, your patients and customers, no matter where they are, will feel how real your project execution is.

We offer 12 services to bring you exactly where you need to be for each of your improvement program. ​​Set up a meeting to drill down in the details of our services.

Explore our Execution Services

E01. Customer analysis & segmentation

The healthcare industry is very complex in terms of actors in the global landscape, from preclinical to commercial. Understanding your customers and patients with their specific characteristics and needs, result in efficient segmentation. Customer and patient segmentation is required to define the personalisation strategies and approaches for each of the segments. Persona's are excellent internal drivers for this. Voice of Customer-Patient and other techniques are available to help your teams to get started in the right direction.

E02. Customer-patient journey mapping

Identification of Moments of Truth within the full customer and patient journeys will be driving the CPXM prioritisation actions. Journeys need to be mapped across divisions, brands, therapeutic areas and product portfolios; all at the right level of detail. Ensuring global transparency and alignment of these journeys are the basis for well-thought decisions on improving customer experiences in processes, technology and people. We help you to efficiently model these journeys, not only using the right tools, but more importantly, using well defined methodologies and workshops at the right level of detail. 

E03. Business project implementations

Journey mapping leads to short and long, small and large implementation actions that are defined in projects. Some of these project are not involving any technology and are purely organisational and process oriented. For each project, clear scope, objectives, approach, timing, team, budget need to be defined to ensure successful implementation. We help with the project management of all aspects from start to the go live.

E04. Technology implementations

Similar to business projects, journey mapping and digital strategies lead to the implementation of well selected digital technologies. Examples include: marketing automation and campaign management, HCP engagement platforms, patient review platforms, omni-channel management, customer service automation, IVRS, CPQ, video training. We can help with the implementation including validation to all industry standards that are applicable to your products.

E05. Organisation alignment and culture

Long term CPXM success requires well defined organisations, from top management to work floor. In addition, CPXM concepts need to be embedded in the culture of the organisation, which often neglected in the first years. However, to ensure success, cultural adoption is a key component. Many lessons learned, tools and methodologies are available to make it happen. Do not attempt to safe on this aspect of change management: it might be the reason of failure. 

E06. Ideation and innovation workshops

Either for your specific improvement project, for a specific moment in the customer journey, for an existing product re-design; or even for a new product or fundamental process re-development. Our ideation and innovation workshops bring the right people together in the right setting to ensure ideation is successful. In terms of new idea generation, and also for reducing and selecting the right solutions in open and collaborative innovation models, across all industry actors.

E07. Design Thinking services per brand

Similar to ideation and innovation workshops, our well-structured design-think workshops, allow your teams to focus on what really matters. Finding the best solutions leading to improved customer and patient experiences. Where possible, we also bring in the right business expertise to contribute from a content perspective beyond the organisation aspects.

E08. Voice of the Customer per brand

CPXM is all about the customer, the patient. Understanding what these customers really want in a no-nonsense and unbiased way, can only be achieved by using external support and being open to what the market really wants. Very often it is all about better, cheaper and faster products: a reality that many leaders want to translate into something less hard as it might be very difficult to obtain. However, your step by step approach must bring the ultimate goals in front of the team.

E09. Customer-patient-centricity governance

Cultural change to install customer-centric principles across the entire end to end process, before, during and after the customer and patient interactions, require the right governance structure supported by processes and technology. A customer-centric culture is not achieved in a one-time action but requires years of communication, nurturing and leading by example. We are your partner in this process.

E10. Moments of Truth improvement

If you have limited time, resources and budgets, focussing first on the MoT's could be the right strategy for you and your team. Selecting the most efficient improvements in these areas, and ensuring they are implemented as best as possible requires solid expertise from leaders in the field. It avoids spending a lot of energy in areas where easy solutions for leveraging might be already proven in the market or other industries. Let us help you with these MoT improvements.

E11. KPI metric tracing

Developing metrics at the start of a project to sell the business case, but never following up on these metrics: one of the most common trick used in project implementations. Customer and Patient Experience management is all about requesting feedback, tracing the feedback and using it to continuously improve the current maturity. We can help you to collect the information efficiently, and to turn it into actionable next steps. Your business case becomes real and delivers results.

E12. Re-design from global to local

Very often CPXM concepts are being defined and designed at global level to ensure harmonisation across the organisation and all companies, brands and local affiliates. These global concepts need to be tailored and adopted to local needs.

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Running CPXM efficiently

A never ending relationship across all your channels requires efforts and nurturing. Customer listening does not stop after successful implementation, it just starts. Research, data analysis, feedback, KPI metrics follow up - they all require a lot of your resources. And these efforts are really beyond the frontline and current customer services. And critical to success.

Have you decided what processes to outsource versus keeping in-house? Are your team members all fully trained? Do you have the right metrics in place? Are you acting promptly upon your NPS and CES metrics? Are you using the latest technologies for CPXM data analysis? In line with all regulations on patient data? Linked to RWD and RWE? How are you closing out on the new customer feedback loops? Is your recovery process under control or still unstable? Where are you compared to your competitors? No CPXM without governance.

We offer 12 services to keep your efforts reasonable. Closing the loop back to your management and your CPXM strategy.​

Explore our Support Services

R01. Customer listening and feedback

Customer listening does not stop after successful implementation. Regular follow ups at the right moments of interaction within the customer and patient journeys are to be installed. In addition, unbiased parallel reviews at customer levels are to be implemented. Data needs to be collected easily and in line with all regulations. The analysis needs to lead to actionable steps leading to the necessary improvements as CPXM matures.

R02. Customer-patient story authoring

Go for the real stories. Those authentic stories that customers and patients want to share themselves. A helping hand in approaching the right patients, and helping in authoring, reviewing and publishing the stories takes off the load of your team so they can focus on the work needed to create the next amazing customer story. Pure and authentic.

R03. NPS, CSAT, CES scoring & survey

Sure, your KPI metrics for all aspects of CXM need to be defined. Even, more important is the execution and collection of the data in an unbiased way. What is the value of continuously requesting customers for high scores to obtain bonuses? What is the value of collecting an NPS without the option of written feedback? Or even worse, what is the value of collecting feedback but never closing the loop back to the customer or patient? We help you to integrate the metrics in the surveys, keep it simple and yet effective for all parties. Bringing the right data to your attention, unbiased at the right moment in time. 

R04. CPXM omni-channel data analysis

All the available communication channels used by your current and future audience have made it simply impossible to follow up and respond back. Listening to all customer and patient feedback, but not able to respond or react, might even be worse than not listening. Omni-channel technology requires the execution of processes, and acting upon the feedback still requires human effort. We can help you to collect and filter down what matters. AI and robotisation can be used whenever appreciated by customers, while others stay manual. Omni-channel is across all channels, not only your digital channels.

R05. Consistent journey delivery

Consistency is one of the 3 "C's" in the entire customer experience process. When consistency fails, customers drop off and complain. Ensuring the consistency for new processes can be quite a challenge when the output of the process is still unclear. Likewise, ensuring new improvements are consistency delivered, might be a little tough to handle with existing customer teams. Let us help you in an outsourced or support mode.

R06. Training & education for employees

New processes and technologies can only be successful when people are fully trained in the fundamentals of CPXM. In addition, to achieve the cultural change, what better way than involving your staff and customer interaction people in the redesign. To have the best possible output, training is needed. And also after new technologies and processes have been installed, training and the way it is delivered are key to success. Employee experience management is one of those elements where a lot of improvement is still needed. How cumbersome are the current processes before and after employment?

R07. People and process coaching

New processes and technologies can only be successful when people are fully trained in the fundamentals of CPXM. Sometimes you want to run this internally, but still want to have access to that external expertise to discuss very specific issues that occur during process execution and support. Book a coach over a time period and continue to grow efficiently. For any specific temporary gap in functions or roles, don't hesitate to check in with us. We are happy to see how we can fill in the position till you are ready to take over again. A win-win while you focus on getting other priorities under control.

R08. SEO optimization for patients

When companies invest in using social media and other communication options such as websites, videos, training tutorials, they have to make sure new potential, existing and passed customers are able to find them. Ensuring your basic SEO settings are installed, brings in a lot of value for little money. Before you start heavily investing in designing your website and other communication tools, let's do a quick SEO check.

R09. Competitive brand benchmarking

We might already be busy with benchmarking your products and services using our own apps and technology. Rather than buying expensive generic benchmarking reports, talk to us to understand how tailored benchmarking with the right audience might bring you much more than you expect. Rather than one time actions, install a continuous flow of benchmarking data so your KPI metrics are assessed from the right perspective.

R10. Metrics measurement and analysis

Developing metrics at the start of a project to sell the business case, but never following up on these metrics: the most common trick used in project implementations. Customer Experience Management is all about requesting feedback, tracing the feedback and using the info to continuously improve the current maturity. Even for established CPXM processes, we help to collect information efficiently, and turn it into actionable next steps.

R11. Moderating focus groups and evaluations

When products and services are actively used in the market, life cycle management requires the continued collection of feedback from customers. Focussed groups are an excellent means to work efficiently towards your next generation of product or service. Organising and moderating these sessions can be a large hurdle to use them. Also creating a forum in which customers can talk unbiased in a no-nonsense way, might be beneficial. In our workshops, we take the pressure away from your team, and bring the right people together, in the right setting to guide them in the right future direction.

R12. Social media channel execution

Simply responding to all social media is an impossible task to accomplish at global level in multiple languages. Did you know that most celebrities have personal assistants to post well defined messages at specific timings? Following up and responding to develop close relationships between brands and patients, can be managed in many different ways using today's technologies. The value of being visible can pay off without your time.

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"Defining the right CPXM strategy"


"Implementing CPXM right"


"Running CPXM efficiently"